Lufenuron is an safe, effective and powerful candida treatment for humans
Because yeast infections are less common than bacterial infections, we have a wide range of antibiotics to choose from, but not such a wide range of antifungals. Lufenuron gives us another useful and effective systemic antifungal.
Lufenuron is commonly used in veterinary medicine to treat parasite infections such as fleas. It works because it inhibits chitin production.
Insects use chitin to make a tough exoskeleton. Interestingly, so do yeasts and moulds – it is chitin in their cell wall that makes them so tough and difficult to kill.
Chitin is present in fungal species such as mushrooms, where it can comprise from 5% to 20% of the weight of the organism.
Therefore, potentially Lufenuron can be used to kill yeasts and moulds and, indeed, this has been well demonstrated in the veterinary world.
Is Lufenuron Safe for Humans
Humans and all other mammals do not produce chitin and therefore the potential for side effects in humans is very small.
Lufenuron is not metabolised or eliminated by the liver or kidneys, but excreted through the faeces and again this makes it remarkably non-toxic.
Lufenuron is very lipid soluble – this means it is most effective when taken over five days and loads up into fatty tissues from where it slowly releases over four to six weeks. This maintains tissue concentrations high enough to kill all yeast, including candida, for at least a month and possibly longer.
One can get die-off reactions, but that is the case with any antifungal which is effective.
CCWS a powerful Lufenuron Treatment for Candida
Lufenuron is the primary active ingredient of Candida Cell Wall Suppressor and is as previously discussed a remarkably non-toxic inert compound entirely safe for human consumption.
CCWS is the only candida cleanse treatment using guaranteed pure Lufenuron, tested pharmacologically pure by Exova Inc. according to EU veterinarian pharmaceutical standards, which are identical to human standards in the EU.
If you’re still worried about CCWS Candida Cleanser being safe or not, here’s the original Patent on Lufenuron:
In their words:
“The invention allows a therapeutic treatment of a variety of fungal infections. These may include systemic infections as well as topical fungal infections. In particular, and by a preferred embodiment, the present invention allows treatment of skin fungal infections in both humans and animals, nail or genital fungal infections in humans, eye fungal infections or ear fungal infections in both humans and animals, and others. Particular examples of fungal infections which may be treated in accordance with the invention are caused by dermatophytes such as those of the genus Microsporum (e.g. Microsporum Canis) which cause various skin fungal infections of the skin, nails or hair; those of the genus Aspergillas, and yeasts, e.g. Malassezia or Candida.”
In order for this patent to be filed, the drug company would have gone through rigorous test to insure the safety. It is a non-toxic substance for all mammals, including humans. If you find anything online that claims Lufenuron does not treat fungal infection, you’re being duped. There are powerful organizations who do not want us to know about this as it threatens their bottom line. This patent expired in 2008 and this is why we now have it available, but since the original drug company who made it did not seek FDA approval, it remains in a gray zone with FDA, thus the company must be based outside of the US. The founders of CCWS were living in Thailand when they discovered it, and so they formed the business there.
Lufenuron prevents Candida from growing and repairing the Chitin in its cell wall.
By blocking Candida’s Chitin-synthesis, the Candida does not have a way to repair the constant damage being done to its cell wall caused by various processes in its environment (our bodies), including the onslaught of our immune system. Within hours, holes start to form in its cell wall, and its guts literally seep out, killing it. The Ergosterol gives Candida’s cell wall its flexibility, and the Chitin is responsible for its strength. Candida can’t grow and it can’t keep its cell wall intact, when Lufenuron is present in sufficient concentration around it.