What is cutaneous candidiasis?Some fungal infections are caused by fungi that live on the hair, nails, and outer skin layers. They include yeast-like fungi such as Candida Albicans. In cutaneous candidiasis, Candida fungi infects the skin. |
Candida infection is a massive problem that is also hugely underdiagnosed. Thankfully it is finally getting the attention and concern from the public it deserves. It can range from being mildly annoying to extremely debilitating depending on the extent of the infection.
One of the crippling ways it can affect sufferers is itchy and unsightly rashes all over the body that cause damage physically and psychologically.
Aside from the obvious itchy and annoying irritation that the candida rash causes, it can also cause much concern and embarrassment due to its unsightly nature – and its habit of appearing just where and when you don’t want it to!
Candida and your skin!
Candida skin infections can express themselves in many way, such as:
Unsightly and reoccurring rash on arms, face, neck, feet, breasts, groin
Dry, flaking, cracked, itchy skin anywhere on body (especially bad in areas that sweat)
Eczema, jock itch, tinea, candidiasis, fungal infection diagnosis given by doctor
Hives and new allergic reactions
Nail growth issues (ridges, breaking, discoloring)
And the biggest mistake by the medical profession?
It is extremely rare that to be offered a skin scrape test to properly diagnose this condition. More likely your doctor will either ignore it, or worse, recommend strong and harmful medications.
Both these medical treatments simply strengthen the candida by lower your natural immune system and killing off beneficial good bacteria!
There are two forms of candida – the yeast and the fungus. The yeast form is perfectly natural to have inside your body but its only place of residence should be in your gut. The second form of candida is the fungal form. This is the more insidious and difficult to treat form of Candida.
The candida FUNGUS is the one that causes itching, rashes and hives on the body.
There are many treatments available for the yeast form of candida as this is relatively easy to keep under control. Probiotics are one of the most common solutions. However candida yeast that has overgrown buries down into the bloodstream and this is when it morphs into fungus.
Quite simply, you have an alien organism in your blood that needs removing!
Where candida yeast is quite natural in the gut, candida fungus in the blood is absolutely not normal and needs treating.
It is only through the bloodstream that your skin can be reached so without further explanation it is fairly obvious that if you are getting unexplained rashes and hives:
You are suffering from a candida fungal infection.
The fungus is setting up colonies in your skin. Because these colonies are in the dermis and fed through the blood simply, simply applying a fungal cream is not enough. It may help while you are applying it but will quickly return as soon as you stop. It can also appear at any time on other areas of your body.
Nobody wants to be applying antifungal creams round the clock on their whole body the rest of their lives. Its not practical and its expensive!
So what is the solution?
Attack the problem from the inside!
Get to the ROOT of the problem
You must rid your blood of the candida fungus. There is no other solution. Without killing the fungus supplying the skin, the rashes will always return.
Without the fungus in your blood the dermal layers will heal quickly and the rashes will stop.
Talking to a doctor will NOT get you a solution, at best they will put you on a slapdash prescription regimen for minimum 6 months.
At worst they will look at you like you are a hypochondriac and crazy!
Even if you do get on antifungals which are damaging to your kidneys with long-term use, the sad fact is that they are becoming less and less effective as the media reported last year.
Do not despair as there is a solution.
For over 7 years now there has been an antifungal product that has successfully treated over twenty thousand people with candida fungal infections.
This treatment is simple to take and will get to root of the problem and eliminate the candida fungus from your whole body.
This Powerful Candida Cleanse is:
- GMP/ ISO9000 registered
- 60 day money back satisfaction guarantee
- Independently tested in Europe
- Paypal Approved Product
This candida cleanse works specifically to remove the protective layer (chitin) and when this happens, your white blood cells will finally be able to overcome and kill the fungi.
Upon taking this supplement, some people notice the effects in a few days. People have reported being able to think more clearly, and find they have a lot more energy.
I am seeing a reduction in the rash on my hands and legs. The rash on my face went away within two weeks.
I will highly recommend this product to anyone who wants better health!!
How Long Does the Candida Cleanse Take?
The cleanse course needs to work through your whole body to reach the dermis everywhere, your skin will start to respond to the treatment within about 2 weeks.
As with any cleanse you need to be ready for a detox reaction. This usually means you will see a flare up as your body sets about destroying the fungus. As the fungus is killed it will release toxins and of course they have to get out somewhere! It is likely to take a ‘route most travelled’ which would be the skin. Don’t panic though, this kind of reaction shows the fungus is in distress and dying!
Any die off skin eruptions will clear within a couple of weeks of completing course and then you will be candida fungal rash free!
Keep in mind, that this treatment doesn’t help prevent new fungal infections from occurring again, which is why you really should think about heeding preventative measures. This is why we recommend the EM pro probiotics to stop candida yeast getting out of control again and therefore stopping new fungus from developing.
If you REALLY want to get rid of those rashes hives and nail problems then this candida cleanse program is the only safe, comprehensive, practical and most effective way to do it.
I am writing to say I am amazed how this product works. It does everything stated it does. I tried everything to rid myself of fungal fingernails. I used lots of lotions, potions, and pills, which never worked. I have since purchased another 3 bottles for friends and family.
How does it get any better than this?
One Simple Course and you are Cleared of Candida Fungus
You don’t have to live with candida fungus rashes forever, this cleanse will be enough to clear your body of this damaging infection and restore your skin to being clear and healthy.
Candida cleanser works specifically to remove the protective layer (chitin) and when this happens, your white blood cells will finally be able to overcome the fungi.
In actuality the treatment is weakening the fungus
and it is your own body killing the nasty infection!
Upon taking this supplement, some people notice the effects in a few days. People have reported being able to think more clearly, and find they have a lot more energy within just a day or two.
‘I decided to just give it go, did the course as outlined to the T. And it worked, after the course and even during it, I felt better, felt fitter, looked better and had more energy. It has been about four months now and rash is gone, I have no issues, well no issues with Candida.
Wonderful product. Highly recommend it.’
CCWS Candida Cleanse needs to work through your whole body to reach the dermis everywhere, your skin will start to respond to the treatment within about 2 weeks.
As with any cleanse you need to be ready for a detox reaction. This usually means you will see a flare up as your body sets about destroying the fungus. As the fungus is killed it will release toxins and of course they have to get out somewhere! It is likely to take a ‘route most travelled’ which would be the skin. Don’t panic though, this kind of reaction shows the fungus is in distress and dying!
Any die off skin eruptions will clear within a couple of weeks of completing course and then you will be candida fungal rash free!
Keep in mind that the Candida Cleanser treatment doesn’t help prevent new fungal infections from occurring again after you are cured – it is not a vaccine. This is why you really should think about preventative measures.
After all your good work doing the cleanse, you don’t want to re-infect yourself with a whole new fungus batch!
This is why we recommend the EM pro probiotics to stop candida yeast getting out of control again and therefore stopping new fungus from developing.
If you REALLY want to get rid of those rashes hives and nail problems then the Candida Cleanser program is the only safe, comprehensive, practical and most effective way to do it.
One Simple Course and you are Cleared of Candida Fungus!
No more itching, rashes and embarrassment – just glowing healthy skin.
You don’t have to live with candida fungus rashes forever, this cleanse will be enough to clear your body of this damaging infection and restore your skin to being clear and healthy.
Toe or Toenail Fungus
The Candida Cleanser can work on toenail or toe fungus but it may take some time to see “improvement”. Toes usually have less blood flow than do fingers, making it harder for your body’s immune system to detect and stop infection. Also, if the feet are constantly exposed to warm and moist conditions then it will be harder to get rid of toe fungus but it can be done.
CCWS Candida Cleanser$69.00
CCWS & Zeoco$89.00
Candida & Parasite Cleanse$99.00
CCWS Candida Cleanser Full Pack$119.00
CCWS Candida Cleanser Double Pack$125.00
CCWS Candida Cleanser Triple Pack$189.00
CCWS Candida Cleanser Family Pack$199.00