Parasite Power Cleanse – 100% Natural
100% natural parasite cleanse which targets more than 100 human parasites in three stages of life cycle, part of an effective detox and cleansing programme.
100% Organic, all natural and gentle on your body. Kills all three stages of over 100 parasites. Suitable for both adults and children.
Parasite Power Cleanse Contains:
- Green Black Walnut Hulls (from the black walnut tree)
- Wormwood (from the Artemisia shrub)
- Common Cloves (from the clove tree)

Best herbs for parasite cleanse
These three herbs must be used together. Green Black walnut hull and wormwood kill adults and developmental stages of at least 100 parasites. Cloves kill the eggs.
Only if you use these three powerful herbs together will you rid yourself of parasites. If you kill only the adults, the intermediate stages and eggs will soon grow into new adults. If you kill only the eggs, the million stages already loose in your body will soon grow into adults and make more eggs. They must be used together as a single treatment.
Knock Out Your Parasites AND Their Eggs Using 3 Natural Proven Herbs

This Exclusive Formula Parasite Power Cleanse contains them all and plus 9 other liver loving herbs Our parasite power cleanse protocol is the only product on the market to incorporate all these organic cleansing herbs.
WORMWOOD – This is one of the MOST POWERFUL tools in the parasite-killing herb kingdom. It is most effective against roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and pinworms. Wormwood contains the potent chemicals thujone and isothujone, which are the primary components that kill parasites. Wormwood also contains santonin, an effective remedy for parasitic diseases.
Become parasite free with our unique multi herb organic formulation Parasite Power Cleanse treats over 100 parasites in every stage of lifecycle.
No other parasite formula combines the power to kill parasites and assist your liver in flushing them from your body.

Gentle and effective. Parasite Power Cleanse begins to kill parasites immediately with first capsule!
Powerful Herbal Liver Support
Parasite Power Cleanse is a synergistic combination of the 3 best parasite killing herbs: non irradiated clove, wormwood, and green black walnut hull. This combination will wipe out parasites at the egg and adult stages.
Additionally, our cleanse includes key Liver Supporting and Liver Cleansing Herbs:
Fresh Ginger
Licorice Root
Fenugreek Seed
Rhubarb Root
Plantain Herb
Semen Cassiae
Yan Shi Mi
Senna Leaf

Anytime you are cleansing, be it from parasites or Candida, you must support the liver!
These malevolent critters release numerous toxins during their life cycle and will continue to release even more when they die. Many of their metabolic byproducts are very toxic to the body, some even target the destruction of your liver (gliotoxin) and others, like acetaldehyde, leach away at your glutathione levels (your master antioxidant) which is absolutely vital for the proper detoxification of poisonous compounds out from your body.
Supporting your liver through the cleansing process will make the entire procedure an easier and more gentle experience.

Best Parasite Cleanse Protocol
Directions for use: 2 x caps in between meals or on an empty stomach, 2 x per day
- Take two Parasite Power Cleanse capsules between meals twice per day (anytime you have any empty stomach). A schedule such as one dose an hour before breakfast (or lunch) and the other 2-3 hours after your next meal will work fine.
- Continue taking the capsules daily for 13 days until the bottle is empty.
- Drink plenty of clean water to further support your elimination organs and detox pathways
50 capsule per bottle. It comes packed in easy to take 500mg VCAP.
Parasite Cleanse or Candida Cleanse First?
One of the most frequently asked questions is in which order Candida Cleanses and Parasite Cleanses should be performed or indeed if they can be combined at the same time, or during the break days of the CCWS treatment protocol. we would recommend that a parasite cleanse should be taken first in preparation for the Candida Cleanse as killing the parasites will reduce the burden on your immune system thus making the Candida Cleanse more effective.
Our parasite and candida cleanse kits are available to buy now, click on the products below to see more details or visit our shop to see the complete cleansing product range
Candida & Parasite Cleanse$99.00
CCWS Full Package plus Parasite Cleanse$142.00
Parasite Power Cleanse$39.00
Parasite Power Cleanse Double Pack$69.00
CCWS Family Package plus Parasite Cleanse$249.00
Parasite Power Cleanse Triple Pack$105.00