ccws candida cell wall suppressor analysis testing results heavy metal

CCWS™ Candida Cleanser Heavy Metal Analysis

Our heavy metals test results  by Exova UK shows CCWS™ Candida Cleanse supplements to be well below the heavy metals limits for any product. These results  proves our product is pharma graded. Low Heavy Metals verified According to a new standard in consumer food safety the Cleanser Heavy Metals analysis to A Grade. Neither the USDA nor the FDA have expressed any interest in promoting or enforcing such a standard, so Natural News developed and published this new standard in consumer food safety. Heavy Metals                        CCWS™  test results            Official permissible limits FDA Copper                                    0.09ppm                                  10ppm Arsenic                                    non detected                         2ppm Cadmium                                0.01ppm                                  10ppm Cesium                                    non detected                          10 ppm Mercury                                   non detected                          1ppm Lead                                        0.28ppm                                  5ppm Uranium                                  non detected                          10ppm All other heavy metals         see results                              10ppm  1ppm is equal to 1gram in 1000grams     Total course 36grams. Exits body within 4 weeks of completing course.

The CCWS™ Candida Cleanser Treatment Heavy Metals Analysis test results are now available to view at and at

What Levels Of Heavy Metals Are Safe?

What’s clear to nearly all environmental scientists is that lower exposure to dietary heavy metals is better for your health. All heavy metals interfere with healthy cellular function. At what level they become “dangerous” depends on your genetics, your diet and your overall health. Heavy metals bioaccumulate in the human body. When levels become high enough, they substantially interfere with healthy functioning of the brain, liver, kidneys, heart, skin, reproductive organs and other body systems. Learn more about heavy metals toxicity at: