I had 65 symptoms!!!! The candida was in every part of my body.
I began this journey with an approximate 20 year, stage 4 candida overgrowth. From March 2017 until now, I have followed a low carb, no sugar, high fat diet (mostly…some days were harder than others) and I’ve had 3 bottles of Candida Cell Wall Suppressor.
I had 65 symptoms!!!! The worst being brain fog, debilitating leg cramps and Endometriosis. I would faint quite often from pain and lack of proper absorption of vitamins and minerals. The candida was in every part of my body.
After the first bottle I was able to scratch off 14 symptoms. During that first cleanse I went to a colon hydrotherapist and she saw a lot of candida leave my body.
By the time I was nearly finished my third bottle, I had zero symptoms of candida overgrowth left, but I still had/have food sensitivity symptoms.
The candida left my gut and thyroid a mess. I’m working on fixing both now, but that’s okay with me. It took me about 20 years to get sick. CCWS got rid of my candida overgrowth in six months. That’s lightning fast considering how long I was unaware that I was getting sicker and sicker. I don’t mind this last part of my healing journey. It’s too be expected.
Amy | Canada