Does Candida Cause Brain Fog and Fatigue?
Similar to other bacterial and viral infections, candida yeast overgrowth can affect many systems in the body such as your ability to recover from activity and negative effects on your immune system.
One of the most common places for candida to reside and grow is in the sinuses. From there it’s just a short trip to cross the blood/brain barrier and get into that area. Once this happens it begins to affect your thinking, memory, and people often describe it as like living in a fog or fuzzy headiness and you are partially insulated from the world around you. This is likely caused by a combination of excess yeast throughout the body as well as an indication that the candida has crossed the blood/brain barrier. Candida Labs work with thousands of candida sufferers over the past 10 years has illustrated how frequent brain fog surfaces as a major symptom. Along with this fuzziness, many people also complain of short term memory issues. Fortunately as the yeast is cleared out of the body, these annoying issues also disappear.
Fatigue is probably the most common symptom in those with candida overgrowth. As the body becomes more and more toxic from the byproducts of candida’s metabolism, as these toxins build up to the point where the body’s elimination system can no longer keep up, the fatigue sets in. Some people have so little energy left that they are bedridden for many hours during the day. fatigue is a common symptom when a body is infected with low grade organisms that have multiplied out of control Similar to other bacterial and viral infections, candida yeast overgrowth can affect many systems in the body such as your ability to recover from activity and negative effects on your immune system.
The best way to deal with these issues is to work towards eliminating the extent of candida overgrowth. When this has become systemic the only thing that we have found to address this throughout the body is CCWS Candida Cleanser Anti-fungal. Be sure that you are drinking plenty of fluids during the Candida Cleanser Detox as this will help address the fatigue issue and assist your body in the die off elimination process, Activated charcoal is also recommended in absorbing and eliminating the toxins released during candida die-off.