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After CCWS candida is gone!

Symptoms gone: bad breath, exhaustion, throat stone and sugar cravings!

Been doing diatomaceous earth for about 6 weeks which has really helped my tongue coating and hoping CCWS will finish the job properly. I’ve been organic, mainly DF, gf for a year but think my candida is systemic.

My symptoms are: adrenal burn out stage three, hormone imbalance, anxiety, foggy head, severe fatigue, inability to cope, inability to process vit bs??!, slight skin irritation, coated tongue, a white tooth mass thing in my tonsils, inability to loose weight, bad breath 🙀, stuffy sinus, infertility (1 birth in 10 years) aches, lower back pain and constant weeing!

After 2 rounds of CCWS (two bottles) and daily diatomaceous earth with enemas candida is gone!
Naturopath confirmed gone and GP too. Symptoms gone: bad breath, exhaustion, throat stone and sugar cravings! 🙂



Kath | Australia


candida cell wall suppresor for fungal yeast infection